Day One Venture Night
A highlight of Startup Week Düsseldorf 2024: for the third time, startups met venture capitalists, business angels and family businesses - and experienced an extremely inspiring evening together.
From left to right: Dr Andreas Wiehle, Max Muhle, Philipp Dieckmann, Felicia Mundhenke, Christian Rampelt, Christoph PIetsch, Florian Falk, Max Klemmer.
Christiane Underberg (Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Semper idem Underberg GmbH), was one of six inspiring speakers at Day One.
DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER, Creative Hive, Frame Ventures, the Falk Group and Office of Economic Development Düsseldorf joined forces with their partners to organise the unique event on 5 June at the location of the startup YourShowdown on Königsberger Straße. Two exciting masterclasses were followed by the main programme in the evening, moderated by Florian Falk (Falk Family Office) and Christoph Pietsch (Creative Hive). The 200 or so attendees were treated to six inspiring speakers with very different perspectives and experiences: Christiane Underberg (Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Semper idem Underberg GmbH), Max Klemmer (Managing Partner of Miss Germany Studios GmbH & Co. KG), Dr Andreas Wiele (General Partner Giano Capital), Felicia Mundhenke (Co-Founder/CEO consalio), Christian Rampelt (Co-CEO EmmySoft GmbH) and Max Muhle & Philipp Dieckmann (Your- Showdown GmbH). One central theme was repeated in all the presentations: the human factor. Dr Andreas Wiele's keynote, for example, was entitled "Invest in people, not in business". Because without a good team, even the best start-up idea is not sustainable. Florian Falk also says: "The decision as to which startups I invest in always depends on very different factors. In addition to the vision and innovative power of a startup idea, the human factor is very important to me. Who are the people behind the idea and what experience do they have?" "Day One" supports courageous founders and forward-thinking innovators as a platform that enables high-level networking at eye level. Düsseldorf is the ideal location for this: "Day One is important because the concept adds a central facet to the startup ecosystem in the state capital. We want to make a contribution and with this format we are always giving ourselves a gift. The stories and new contacts are
Text: Tom Corrinth
Pictures: Ansgar Schwarz, Tobias Bosshammer