Apprentices wanted!
Last year a third of graduates in NRW finished secondary school with the Abitur, the equivalent of A-levels. Yet, the number of new students at local universities fell slightly. The reason: more school leavers are opting for an apprenticeship.
To get Generation Z interested in apprenticeships, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce goes where the target group is - at training fairs, for example.
The IHK Düsseldorf monitors vocational training in the region, acquires apprenticeships, advises companies and does a lot more on the subject of non-academic education. "The number of apprenticeships completed this year has risen significantly for the second year in a row. Nevertheless, the number is still well below to what it was in 2019 and supply is exceeding demand," explains Dr Jürgen Holtkamp, Head of Training Advice, Placement Services and Projects at the Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce. This is particularly the case in the catering, hotel and logistics sectors. "IT companies are also urgently looking for young talent."
In order to increase the demand for such apprenticeships, the Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce cooperates with companies in the region and offers various services to recruit trainees. "One tried-and-tested format is our regular trainee speed dating event, where prospective trainees can get an interview and present themselves directly - without the traditional CV procedure. This is a very unconventional way for many companies to find suitable applicants," says Dr Jürgen Holtkamp. In order to reach their target group companies address them directly. They moreover try to take into account the interests of generations Y and Z, who are often less interested in social prestige or money than in the goal they are pursuing with their training.
Dr Jürgen Holtkamp is certain that the fact that training places remain unfilled is due not only to the trend towards academisation but also to the fact that many young people are unable to choose the right qualification and employment path from the many available. In addition, there are a large number of insufficiently qualified school leavers. And the fact that some of them then remain without a professional qualification is also a social risk, he continues.
Anyone who wants to fi nd out about training, companies, job hunting or the current labour market, should take a look at the "Indeed Hiring Lab". The blog publishes independent analyses and studies on the global labour market, as well as the "Indeed Training Report 2023", which addresses the shortage of trainees and takes a look at equal opportunities for secondary school leavers.
To counteract this, the Chamber of Industry and Commerce is visiting schools, advising young people or presenting occupational fields through training ambassadors from the companies. Companies and trainers are also informed about the needs particular to Generation Y and Z at events. And, not least due to digitalisation, more and more exciting training occupations will be added in the coming years.
Recruiting skilled labour and strengthening dual path training is also on the agenda of the City of Düsseldorf and the Economic Development Agency. All those involved are therefore delighted that the Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre will be the main venue for EuroSkills 2027.
The EuroSkills competitions are the so-called 'European Skills Championships'. "World and EuroSkills competitions are organised in alternating host countries every year. The aim of this major event is to improve the quality of the trades practised and to integrate innovative techniques and processes in the individual skilled trades," explains a spokesperson for the city of Düsseldorf.
„The aim of this major event is to improve the quality of the trades practised and to integrate innovative techniques and processes in the individual skilled trades.“
For the first time, EuroSkills is being organised by two countries, Germany and Luxembourg. Around 150,000 visitors and 800 top European professionals are expected to attend the interactive and sustainable event in September 2027. "The event will draw considerable attention to the city and the region and could also attract additional investment and new businesses as well as new visitors, which in turn will benefit the local economy and the tourism industry," said a spokesperson for the city of Düsseldorf.
The championships also provide a good opportunity to experience and possibly recruit young, particularly talented professionals in their own environment. It is also hoped that EuroSkills will provide a platform for promoting innovation and technology as well as becoming "a showcase for the local skilled trades scene and its businesses, some of which have been in existence for decades or even longer", the city of Düsseldorf added.
"The topic of HR and digital talent has been prioritised within business development. The aim is the continuous expansion of strategic partnerships and cooperation with local players." These include the Offi ce for Schools and Education, which provides support with information on apprenticeships and a job exchange. The Office for Social Affairs and Youth provides funding to support the long-term unemployed and, together with the Office for Housing, provides solutions for housing apprentices. In addition, there is a regular dialogue with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts with a view to convincing Abitur graduates, who are looking towards university, of the advantages of an apprenticeship. "These include a high level of practical relevance, interesting and varied activities, direct experience of working life, early fi nancial independence, good chances of being taken on and further training and thus predictable prospects for the future," a spokesperson for the city of Düsseldorf is certain. •
Words: Katja Vaders
Pictures: PR, Messe Düsseldorf Ansgar van Treeck, IHK Düsseldorf / Felix Gemein, IHK Düsseldorf