Sustainable transformation is currently one of the most challenging topics, also in the construction industry. Sustainable housing must be affordable – but how? VIVID spoke to experts about solutions.
WeiterlesenFrom the promotion of new construction and creative conversion of existing buildings to renaturation, networked micro-mobility and intelligent parking management: Düsseldorf's urban development is extremely diverse.
WeiterlesenThe healthcare industry accounts for 10 percent of NRW's economic output. It is one of the most important sectors in Düsseldorf - with enormous innovative power. A key success factor is the excellent networking of the relevant players.
WeiterlesenOccupational health and safety, reintegration management, health promotion: corporate health management (CHM) covers many areas - and is becoming even more important in times of skills shortages and an ageing society.
WeiterlesenAgeing and care are issues that affect us all, but are often still taboo in the world of work. The state of NRW has launched a special programme to raise awareness and support companies and employees.
WeiterlesenRegular sporting events, large and small, an extremely diverse club scene and committed sports sponsorship make Düsseldorf a city of sport. This strengthens the economy in many ways.
WeiterlesenMore and more Asian companies are settling in Düsseldorf - and enrich the city of sport on the Rhine with their passion for Asian sports and their sponsorship of local teams such as Fortuna. The symbiosis of business and sport promotes team spirit, motivation and corporate social responsibility.
WeiterlesenThe Dreischeibenhaus is considered an architectural symbol of the German post-war economic boom. While construction work was completed in 1960, the economic significance of the 94-metrehigh building continued to grow skywards: until 2010, it was home to part of Thyssenkrupp AG. Today, various well-known companies are located here in the immediate vicinity of the Kö-Bogen – including, since October 2023, NFL Germany. The declared objective, which could not be more fitting for this location, is growth - for the NFL, but also generally for the sport of American football in Germany.
WeiterlesenFrom 12 to 14 April 2024, Art Düsseldorf will once again open its doors at the Areal Böhler. Exhibition director Walter Gehlen spoke to VIVID about the development and profile of the unique event, the importance of art in a crisis-ridden world and how art can also influence a company.
WeiterlesenArt has an enormously high status in Düsseldorf, its institutions and many artists enjoy a worldwide reputation. The art market also influences the economic prosperity of the state capital.
WeiterlesenKunst hat in Düsseldorf einen enorm hohen Stellenwert, ihre Institutionen und viele Künstler:innen genießen weltweit Ansehen. Der Kunstmarkt beeinflusst auch die wirtschaftliche Prosperität der Landeshauptstadt.
WeiterlesenCompanies are desperately seeking skilled workers and personnel. What does the labour market look like in an international metropolis like Düsseldorf? And what ideas and solutions are there?
WeiterlesenLast year a third of graduates in NRW finished secondary school with the Abitur, the equivalent of A-levels. Yet, the number of new students at local universities fell slightly. The reason: more school leavers are opting for an apprenticeship.
WeiterlesenThe cultural and creative industries encompass a wide variety of markets: there are the classic areas of design, film and theatre, but also, for example, advertising, gaming and software development. The sector is characterised by a strong dynamic - and not least by creative people who want to realise their ideas.
WeiterlesenDas „Dorf“ in Düsseldorf ist eventuell ein Hinweis auf den Umgang, den die Protagonist:innen der hier ansässigen Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft miteinander pflegen: Man kennt, unterstützt sich und tauscht sich dementsprechend gerne aus – so zumindest die Theorie. Wie das Netzwerken in Düsseldorf tatsächlich funktioniert, fragten wir ein paar Stimmen aus der Kreativszene der Landeshauptstadt.
WeiterlesenThe world of fashion winds its way through the city like an elegant thread and – in typical fashion for Düsseldorf - on short paths. It is only a few minutes' walk from the high fashion boutiques on the world-famous Königsallee to the showrooms of well-known brands. Designers with their own, smaller brands also shape the city`s fashion image with their boutiques and studios in Flingern, Unterbilk and Hafen - and in many other places. Even Die Toten Hosen dedicated a song to "Modestadt Düsseldorf" back in the 1980s. But how is the industry, especially the stationary retail trade, doing now of after the pandemic - in a time when online trade is demonstrating strong growth and important topics like sustainability and diversity are placing completely new demands on the fashion industry?
WeiterlesenIn summer and autumn 2023 Düsseldorf will be a hotspot for fashion events. VIVID presents three of the most important organisers and their contributions.
WeiterlesenPhoto shoot, fi tting or fashion show - there are many talented people behind the “perfect look”. VIVID presents three creative contributors and their perspectives on the processes behind fashion.
WeiterlesenHow will we get around in the future? With the Mobility Plan D, the city of Düsseldorf is focusing on specific measures for the mobility transformation by 2030. In order for this to succeed, companies, startups, research initiatives and politics are working together.