Posts getaggt mit Mario Keine
You can hear a drop pin at auctions

Auctions have become increasingly popular: While they used to be a sales tool for the trade, many more private individuals are now taking part, with wines, watches, jewellery and even sneakers being auctioned off alongside art. In an interview with VIVID, Benny Höhne, the NRW representative of the Grisebach auction house, provides an exciting insight into the world of auctions.

You can hear a drop pin at auctions

Auktionen sind beliebter geworden: Waren sie früher Verkaufsvehikel für den Handel, nehmen heute viel mehr Privatpersonen daran teil, wenn neben Kunst auch Weine, Uhren, Schmuck und sogar Sneakers versteigert werden. Im Gespräch mit VIVID gibt der NRW-Repräsentant des Auktionshauses Grisebach Benny Höhne einen spannenden Einblick in die Welt der Versteigerungen.

Looking Back Ahead

Mario Keine knew early on where he was heading. At the tender age of 13, he decided to become a fashion designer. In the schoolyard of the grammar school in Attendorn, Sauerland, all eyes were on him wearing silvercoated jeans trousers or smart jackets with ties and collars. Today, at 30, Mario Keine's childhood dreams have come true. His first fashion collection has been launched, he presented it at the Press Days of the Fashion Council Germany in Berlin. His label is called MARKE, an acronym of his first letters, and he already won one of the two prizes at the first strike a pose festival in Düsseldorf in cooperation with the artist Manuel Graf with his very first launched product, a chain necklace, which he showed as an artistic contribution to the gender debate. In an interview, the former student of the Düsseldorf Design Department reveals how he prepared himself for the challenges of the fashion market and why the journeys of his childhood play a key role in his first collection.
