When it comes to the transformation of urban mobility, the bicycle is key to a climate-friendly solution. The city of Düsseldorf and companies based here are also called upon to establish the bike as a genuine alternative to the car.
WeiterlesenDüsseldorf wants to be climate neutral by 2035. Transport, with a share of around one third of CO2 emissions, is an important factor in achieving this goal. In our interview, Jochen Kral, head of the city's mobility department, explains the measures aimed at achieving the transport transformation.
WeiterlesenIn the midst of and despite many different challenges, the state capital has its sights firmly set on an ambitious goal: to be carbon neutral by 2035. How to achieve this and what it will take - is the focus of this VIVID issue.
WeiterlesenDüsseldorf is on the path to carbon neutrality in 2035. In this interview, Thomas Loosen, head of Düsseldorf‘s Office for Environmental and Consumer Protection, explains how the city is specifically committed to this and how companies and citizens can make their contribution.
WeiterlesenRising temperatures, heat waves and droughts or heavy rain and storms - the effects of climate change have also begun to affect Germany. Cities and municipalities must therefore develop measures to prevent the consequences of climate change.
WeiterlesenCan digitalisation save us from the climate crisis? Or will it only make things much worse? The fact is: the increased use of digital technologies leads to rising energy and resource consumption, but at the same time offers opportunities for climate protection.
WeiterlesenAfter ten years, one of the biggest global music events is returning to Germany: the MTV EMAs 2022 will take place in Düsseldorf for the first time on the 13th of November! The show at the PSD BANK DOME with numerous major stars will be broadcast live on MTV in more than 170 countries.
WeiterlesenDüsseldorf is the venue for five matches of the 2024 European Men‘s Football Championship. Around 5 billion TV viewers worldwide and around 3 million spectators in the stadiums are expected at the EURO. We asked Thomas Neuhäuser, the city‘s project manager, about the preparations for this mega-event and what the EURO means for Düsseldorf.
WeiterlesenEvery year, thousands of young people celebrate Japanese pop culture at the DoKomi trade fair. Where better to do that than here in Düsseldorf?
WeiterlesenThe last two and a half years have been a very instructive time for the congress and event industry. Many new formats and business models have emerged to promote networking and exchange in the future or to be a platform for future solutions.
WeiterlesenHermann Simon has helped Germany‘s small and medium-sized businesses gain more prestige with the concept of hidden champions. A conversation about specialism, false modesty and the success of sausage skin clips.
WeiterlesenIn its state-wide study, the NRW state government identified 34 hidden champions in Düsseldorf alone. These three examples alone show just how different they are: The tea bag manufacturer TEEPACK Spezialmaschinen, the plant manufacturer GEA with a multi-billion euro turnover and the start-up Volunteer World, an online portal for worldwide volunteering.
WeiterlesenA recent study by the NRW state government confirms: Düsseldorf is a stronghold of hidden champions! The “secret world market leaders” combine tradition, innovation and internationality in an impressive way and underline the important role of the state capital as a tech location.
WeiterlesenHow does your business model work? How do they deal with current and future challenges? What do they contribute to Düsseldorf as a business location? That and much more we would like to find out from 3 important decision-makers in Düsseldorf's finance scene. Among them: a cooperative bank, a development bank for the state of NRW and a savings bank.
WeiterlesenDüsseldorf is the leading financial location in NRW. Especially during the current war situation in Ukraine, the finance industry supports its customers closely. In the long term, it wants to pave the way to a more digital and sustainable world..
WeiterlesenFinTech”, the coming together of financial services and technology, stands for many different business models. With Compeon, Ebury and insyt finance, VIVID presents three examples from Düsseldorf that highlight this diversity.
WeiterlesenTargeted support programmes facilitated by the city are intended to strengthen and revitalise the stationary retail trade. This initiative has already generated its first success story – in the form of a bridal fashion flagship store.
WeiterlesenDüsseldorf is one of the most popular shopping destinations in Germany. This is also due to a wide range of complementary experiences in gastronomy, leisure, culture, education and services on offer.
WeiterlesenWith a unique cluster of established mobile operators, international network equipment and electronics manufacturers as well as innovative start-ups, the telecommunication of the future is being shaped in Düsseldorf.
WeiterlesenDüsseldorf is one of Europe‘s leading locations for the digital industry. Which, in itself, is an important driving force for all other economic sectors – and for an adaptable and crisis-proof society.